At the beginning of this week we entered into a new season of the year, the spring. As nice weather is approaching quite fast, people get more and more desire to spend time outside and start with different sports activities. We already know that sports activities are good for our health in body and mind, some studies also showed that physical activity will lengthen life expectancy and provide a certain amount of protection from chronic and age related diseases, however we have to take into account some propositions when we start with physical activities in the new season.

Since our body is all rested and prepared, it is although not used of too much strain. At the beginning we have to start with some easy workouts or some easy physical activities so our body and muscles can get used to it. Repeated movements that are unnatural to our physiology, especially if we just start with increased physical activity, will cause deterioration and injury. With the striving toward personal peak performance, sport often leads to excessive physical taxation and exertion. We have to be aware of the fact that during any kind of physical activity, muscles and organs became burdened, as a result they need more oxygen in order to provide our body and cells with sufficient amount of energy. After the physical activity our muscles and organs take a sufficient amount of oxygen from the body to rebuild themselves, because of that, after some time, we become tired and not so focused anymore, however we have to replace the deficit of oxygen in the body. Our bodies are configured in such way that they can regenerate themselves, but regeneration can take up to 48 hours after the training is finished.

If we want to ensure the quality and accelerate the regeneration of the body, with the help of supplemental or additional oxygen we can prevent our body and muscles from several negative effects, such as we can prevent spring fatigue, retention of toxins and lactic acid and improve the circulation of muscles and accelerate metabolism of cells. Additional oxygen for the body will as well allow faster regeneration of muscles, help in faster recovery of muscle pain (also known as “musklfiber”) and will prepare us for further training. Therefor FeelOXY is an excellent product that will, in the upcoming sports season, serve both sports lovers as well as professional athletes to increase their strength and energy, increase stamina and explosion and reducing recovery time. FeelOXY can be used before, during or after workout, on trips, in the higher areas, where the additional oxygen will help you to optimize sports performance and maintain energy and vitality.

reklama new season

oxymeter_blueAs you’ve probably already experienced at the doctor’s office, they put a little device on your finger and it magically measured your level of oxygen (saturation or SpO2) in your blood and your heart rate. If there is a more common knowledge how important out heart rate is, it is a little bit less known how important information about our oxygen saturation really is.

What »oxygen saturation« means?

Information about oxygen saturation shows how much haemoglobin in our blood is filled with oxygen – of the saturation is 100 percent it means that the hemoglobin is filled to the fullest. If we are healthy and breathe normally, our blood fills up with oxygen through lungs. The normal saturation moves between 95 and 100 percent. For our body it is vital, that it gets enough oxygen supply and so it is smart to monitor those levels – one of the quickest and easiest ways is to use oximeter. You can read more about why oxygen is so important for our body here.

How does the pulse oximeter work?

Hemoglobin which is filled with oxygen passes the wavelenghts of light better then the hemoglobin with less oxygen – and this is the finding on which the pulse oximetery is based. When we want to measure our oxygen level, we have to flash a red light through the blood and analyze it with a help of findings about hemoglobin absorption characteristics. The pulse oxymeter has a red light on one side and photodetector on the other side. The letter measures the changing absorbance at each of the wavelenghts and therefore determines oxygen saturation in arterial blood.

Pulse oxymeters have many good qualities, which contribute to their wide usage. Before they were developed we had to take blood with a needle and analyze it in laboratories – with oximeter we can now measure oxygen saturation completely noninvasively and harmlessly. The measurement with oximeter is also very quick – we can find out about our saturation only a few seconds. One of the best aspects it is also their size. Pulse oximeters are very small, easily portable and we can use it anywhere, anytime.

If you want to know have a regular check-up over your oxygen saturation, you should get your own pulse oxymeter. You could use it at home, at work or during your activities. Order your oximeter here.

stomachDoing crunches or sit-up is one of the most common exercises people do in order to strengthen their abdominal muscles and achieve flat stomach. But often this exercise is not done correctly and this can result in lower back hurts and sore neck. This is why we collected a few tips on how to correct your crunches and work your abs the right way.

1. Forget about “old-school” sit-ups.

Crunches differ from sit-ups in that you only lift your upper back, instead off you lift your entire back, off the floor. It is safer because it doesn’t put a strain on your lower back and neck.
So make the switch to crunches instead – they are also easier to perform. Crunches should be a smaller movement where you lift your head and shoulders up from the floor about 1/3 of the way, then back down again.

2. Find a comfortable position of your body.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, your feet positioned flat and as wide as your hips. With the help of your abdominal muscles press your lower back to the ground – this will create a nice tension through your entire abdominal wall.

3. Cross your hands over your chest or put them behind your neck.

If you choose to put arms behind your neck, keep your elbows wide open and be careful that you do not pull your head up with your hands – this can really put a strain on your neck! Then focus on pulling up with your abdominal muscles, lifting yourself up until your shoulder blades are just off the floor. Your head, neck and abs should be in one straight line—if your neck is coming up first, you should make the change!

4. Keep your chin up!

Instead of touching your chin to your chest while you crunch, keep your chin pointed upward to the ceiling. So you want forget this step, your eyes should be focused on the ceiling all the way through your workout. This will isolate your core, create that burn in your lower abdomen and also minimize strain on your neck.

5. Pull in and press down.

At the top of your crunch, pull your belly button in towards your spine while you press your lower back down to the floor. And don’t forget – when you are lifting yourself up, you should be exhaling.

6. Inhale and relax.

When you’re lowering down from your crunch, inhale while you return back to your starting position. When you come all the way to the floor don’t completely relax the muscular tension in your abs. Now do another crunch. :)

Focus on slow and steady rhythm, pausing at the top and then lowering slowly. Do not forget to breath – inhaling while you are coming down and exhaling while you are coming up. Do as many crunches as you feel comfortable and raise the number of crunches as your form increases.

fitnessHave you ever decided that you will incorporate regular workout in your life, get fit, run 10 kilometres …but you never really made things happen? We collected some guidelines which will help you to start exercising safely, motivated and persistent.

If you are a beginner and you want to get a stable base for more intensive workout, we recommend you exercise 3 times for 20 minutes a week. The level of intensity should be high enough for you to sweat out, taking deeper and quicker breaths, and also hear your heart pounding. But be careful – you can’t never strain yourself to the point you get dizzy! It is important you decide for activity that you really like, so you will maintain your motivation for your workout programme for a longer period of time (or forever).

Regular physical activity will benefit your health substantially – you will sleep better, wake up fresh, more vibrant, and have greater capability maintaining high level of concentration. Researches show that regular exercise also helps preventing depression, many heart and lung diseases, keeping your muscles and joints stronger, and have many other positive impacts on your health.

Regular, energetic activity will increase the strength of your heart and lungs, and help those organs to be more effective and resistant against diseases. Moreover, physical activity will lower your blood pressure and restrict the danger of hard arteries. Muscles of lower limbs are the biggest body muscles, so we recommend workout that include legs (e.g. swimming, running, cycling) – those activities will meet the demands of your heart and lungs.

If you are considering starting a new sports activity – and you’re not used to regular workout yet – it won’t hurt, if you stick to these basic rules:

1. Set your goals – but they shouldn’t be too ambitious.

It will be much safer, if you strengthen your fitness gradually. Those who are over 60 years old, heavy smoker, fat, under medical treatment for chronic disease or pregnant should be especially cautious.

2. Make sure your workout clothes and equipment are appropriate.

Sports safety equipment and gear may sometimes look a little bit odd, but using the right protective safety gear for your sport is essential for preventing serious injuries or reducing the severity of an injury you may receive. No, hamlets and safety pads are not stupid.
In cold weather we recommend to put on various layers of clothes, and then taking them off gradually as you warm up. Also pay attention to materials. The type of shoes you wear during certain sports can be also easily added to safety equipment list – the right choice will prevent injuries of feet, legs, knees, and ankles. So the right running shoes can decrease the risk of overuse injuries, special cycling shoes can reduce foot pain and increase pedalling efficiency, good court shoes will give you a solid support and good traction…

3. Always warm up first.

Warm up properly before exercising to prevent injury and make your workouts more effective – warming up increases blood flow and gently stretches out the muscles. Try to warm up and stretch out the entire body – head, neck, shoulders, legs and torso.

4. When feeling pain or other form of discomfort – stop immediately!

Avoid or modify any exercise that causes you pain or discomfort. If you get injured, talk to a doctor and remember to return to physical activity gradually. Injuries need rest – trying to “work through” pain will just result in delayed healing and making your injury even worse.

We all have days when we don’t have energy for anything – we rather sit on the couch and say we’ll exercise tomorrow. Make a determination to resist these impulses and get yourself in motion. We guarantee you will feel much better right after workout, but your investment will also pay off in the long run. Ready, steady, GO!