Do your crunches the right way


stomachDoing crunches or sit-up is one of the most common exercises people do in order to strengthen their abdominal muscles and achieve flat stomach. But often this exercise is not done correctly and this can result in lower back hurts and sore neck. This is why we collected a few tips on how to correct your crunches and work your abs the right way.

1. Forget about “old-school” sit-ups.

Crunches differ from sit-ups in that you only lift your upper back, instead off you lift your entire back, off the floor. It is safer because it doesn’t put a strain on your lower back and neck.
So make the switch to crunches instead – they are also easier to perform. Crunches should be a smaller movement where you lift your head and shoulders up from the floor about 1/3 of the way, then back down again.

2. Find a comfortable position of your body.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, your feet positioned flat and as wide as your hips. With the help of your abdominal muscles press your lower back to the ground – this will create a nice tension through your entire abdominal wall.

3. Cross your hands over your chest or put them behind your neck.

If you choose to put arms behind your neck, keep your elbows wide open and be careful that you do not pull your head up with your hands – this can really put a strain on your neck! Then focus on pulling up with your abdominal muscles, lifting yourself up until your shoulder blades are just off the floor. Your head, neck and abs should be in one straight line—if your neck is coming up first, you should make the change!

4. Keep your chin up!

Instead of touching your chin to your chest while you crunch, keep your chin pointed upward to the ceiling. So you want forget this step, your eyes should be focused on the ceiling all the way through your workout. This will isolate your core, create that burn in your lower abdomen and also minimize strain on your neck.

5. Pull in and press down.

At the top of your crunch, pull your belly button in towards your spine while you press your lower back down to the floor. And don’t forget – when you are lifting yourself up, you should be exhaling.

6. Inhale and relax.

When you’re lowering down from your crunch, inhale while you return back to your starting position. When you come all the way to the floor don’t completely relax the muscular tension in your abs. Now do another crunch. :)

Focus on slow and steady rhythm, pausing at the top and then lowering slowly. Do not forget to breath – inhaling while you are coming down and exhaling while you are coming up. Do as many crunches as you feel comfortable and raise the number of crunches as your form increases.

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